Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday's Tip

So you're going to Walt Disney World for spring break next week--hey, that sounds fun! But as I'm sure you've already been warned, Easter week is one of the most crowded times in the parks. Today's Thursday's Tip is really a collection of strategies for surviving--and enjoying!--Disney, even when it's crowded.

  1. Make a plan, and prioritize your day. List your "must see," "wanna see," and "we can skip this if we run out of time" attractions. Start with the most popular and go from there.

  2. Arrive early and follow the "rope drop" to your first attraction. You'll likely get a couple of things in before some of the lolly-gaggers have even made their way through the gate.

  3. Use FastPass. ALWAYS have one ready for the next attraction. We like to designate a FP "runner" who holds everyone's tickets and grabs FPs while the rest of the group moves on to the next attraction. (Make sure this person is physically fit and responsible!)

  4. Eat at off-peak times. This saves time, but can also save you money (see post here). Better yet, pack your own food and eat while waiting in line.

  5. Skip the parade and take advantage of the lighter crowds while everyone else watches. This might not go over well if you have small children.

  6. Consider using a program, such as Ridemax, to provide a customized touring plan that will maximize your time in the parks. Yes, there is a fee, but for these most crowded times, it will definitely increase the number of attractions you're able to fit in. This program is not for the "stop and smell the roses" crowd. Only hard-core tourers need apply.

Oh, and don't forget to wear your sunscreen and drink plenty of water. Enjoy your trip!

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