Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday's Tip

When traveling with children, it's always best to be prepared for any and every scenario. And while none of us plan on losing track of a child, the reality is that children get separated from their parents at Walt Disney World every day. (Incidentally, there are no "lost children" at WDW--only "lost parents." Disney labels them as such, so as not to alarm the children who are temporarily separated from their guardians.)

Today's tip is to ensure that, in the event that this unfortunate separation occurs, your children will be reunited with you as quickly as possible: label young children. OK, it sounds a little strange to put it like that, but that's pretty much what I do. Since our first visit with my oldest daughter, who was two at the time, we have put a label somewhere on our children's clothing with the following information:

  • child's first name

  • Mom's cell phone number

  • Dad's cell phone number

  • known allergies or health conditions

It is also important that your children learn to recognize Cast Members. Point out the uniformed CMs wearing the special Disney name tags  to your children when you arrive at the parks. Make sure they know to only speak to a CM in the event that you are separated. (It's also a good idea to go over all the usual safety items with your kids, such as not going with strangers offering candy and that sort of thing.)

When my kids were younger, I put the sticker right on their back (click on the photo above for an example), in plain view, in case they weren't able to articulate to a CM who they were or how to contact us. Now that they're a bit older (3 and 6), I still put a label on the inside of their shirt tail so that if they get nervous and forget our phone numbers--or are crying and can't clearly relay them to a CM-- they can simply point to their label.


  1. Another huge tip.....when you come into the park at the start of the day use your cell phone to take a picture of your child in the clothing they are wearing that day...when your child goes lost, you can break out he cell phone and show it to anyone in the vicinity who will take a look as well as show it to cast members if it gets to that point.

  2. That's a great tip, Heather! We usually take a pic before we leave our hotel and several more before we ever enter the parks. (We like to document our trip well!) If my kids ever go missing, we'll definitely be covered on the photo front. :-)
