Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How I Pack: What to Bring

In place of our regular "Thursday's Tip," please enjoy this first in a series of "How I Pack" posts.

Packing is a very personal process. Most people like to do it their way. And I am no different. But when beginning the process, I decided that rather than re-invent the wheel, I would begin with someone else's packing list and edit it to suit my needs. You can find several of these online. The one I typically use has more items than I would personally take, but because of these "extra" items I'm forced to think outside the box as to what my Disney packing needs may be. Sure, everyone needs clothes, shoes, and personal hygiene items. But perhaps you didn't think to pack "small electronic toys" for your kids or even a "lanyard and pins" for trading. Well, my packing list is just that detailed. Unfortunately, mine isn't exactly high-tech, so I can't share it here with you. (I go "old school"--crossing out and adding items manually on the page...maybe someday I'll get it together and do my own electronic list.) Instead, I'll point you to a few items that are Disney-specific and let you decide for yourself what personal items you'll need. Here are some of my family's must-have items for Disney:

  • Child-size fanny packs for each kiddo. (We found cute Disney-themed ones in one of the character outlets.) Keeps Mom and Dad from playing the part of the pack mule.

  • Hand-held mister fans, small enough to fit into aforementioned fanny packs.

  • Glow bracelets. These cost about $1 for a whole pack. Take them to the night parade and share them with the kids around you! Keeps you from spending $15 on the light-up toys the vendors sell just before the parade.

  • Snacks, cereal, and water. We take a large box full, saving both time (waiting in line for an afternoon pretzel) and money (paying nearly $5 for said pretzel). The kids each carry their own snacks in their fanny packs and can eat while waiting in line.

  • Cheap rain ponchos. At a cost of about $1 and the size of a deck of cards, these can be invaluable when the little pop-up storms hit Central Florida. And you don't feel bad about tossing them when the shower is over, since the investment is low. Or, you can pay upwards of $5 for the same flimsy plastic at any WDW gift shop. (We carry our heavy, plastic ponchos on days where the forecast calls for lots of rain.)

  • Two pairs of comfortable shoes for everyone, so that you can alternate pairs if you get caught in one of those FL showers. (We're athletic shoe people, although I know some folks swear by Crocs or even--heaven forbid!--flip-flops. Most important, stick to what your feet like and don't try out new shoes on a WDW vacation!)

  • A clear backpack. First, Disney security will love you and wave you through the line with a quick glance. And when you find yourself smack dab in the middle of a Polaroid moment, you won't have to fumble through your bag searching for a camera...because you can see exactly where it is! Despite the possible drawback (it's all laid out there for everyone to see, for example), we still swear by this item.

  • Ziplock bags. For everything. More on that later.

I could go on and on...but then I would have duplicated my regular packing list here. Instead, we'll call it a day. Tomorrow will be our regularly-scheduled "Friday Photo." Check back Monday for "Packing the Kids' Clothes."


  1. I love the light up glow bracelets. Last time we were at Disney we went to the night parade and I gave my kids the necklace glow sticks and we actually got a compliment from one of the workers that they liked our necklaces. That was worth it. By the way I buy all the glow stuff at the Dollar Tree. Saves money that way and the kids love them.

  2. On one lucky visit, I actually found glow magic wands at the Dollar Tree. They're packed for this trip. I'm excited to see how they look and work! My girls also really enjoy giving out "extra" bracelets to the kiddos near them. It's an easy way to make a friend while waiting for the parade.

  3. Thanks for the great tips! I will def. hit up the dollar store before our trip!

  4. The Dollar Store also has a lot of great Disney-themed toys like jump ropes and such. I like to buy a few and give my girls surprise toys during the trip...which also lessens the need to hit every Disney gift shop!
