Monday, September 6, 2010

How I Pack: The Disney Tub

If everything is going according to plan, we are probably in Epcot today. Since we're homeschoolers now, we'll be excited to experience all the learning opportunities that park has to offer!

Now, on to the subject at hand: the Disney Tub.

OK, so I admit's not every family that goes to Disney every year (or, sometimes, multiple times per year). But if you're one of those lucky folks...or even if you just go every couple of might want to invest in your own Disney Tub. Sure, it's just a clear plastic tub with some Disney stickers on it, but this inexpensive item has saved me time and money over the years. This is the place where I store those truly Disney-specific items that you need for each and every trip. Here's an example of items I keep in my Disney tub (many of them mentioned in the "What to Bring" post):

  • Extra cheap rain ponchos

  • Glow bracelets for the kids

  • Pin layards and autograph books

  • Plastic utencils, paper plates, plastic bowls, and paper towels

  • A can of Lysol (yep, I'm a bit of a germaphobe)

  • The kids' fanny packs

  • Sample sizes of just about anything (including laundry detergent, fabric softener, and stain sticks)

  • Wipes: baby, Clorox, and Purel

  • Soft-sided Disney-themed lunchbox (for taking snacks into the parks)

That's mostly it. You could keep items such as your clear backpack in here too (but my husband also uses ours when he goes to the races). The point is, why buy it more than once when you know you'll need it again?

Tomorrow will be the final "How I Pack" installment. Let's just call it, "Mou$elaneous Tips" for fun!

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