Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thursday's Tip

When planning a Walt Disney World vacation, it's great if you're able to travel off-season. Not only are the crowds lower, but the weather tends to be a bit more temperate. But, let's face it, most people do visit the Disney Parks in the summer--that's what makes it so busy! And if you're gonna be at Disney during the steamy season, you'll need some strategies for dealing with the heat. Which leads us to Thursday's, Tips:

  • Start your day early--at rope drop. It's cooler in the morning, and you can take a break in the heat of the afternoon if you need it.

  • Wear sunscreen (duh!), and consider a hat if you're balding (a nice cotton breathable one is good).

  • Wear light colors. That black Pirates of the Caribbean tee is going to absorb a lot of heat; opt for the pink Cheshire Cat tee instead!

  • Drink plenty of clear fluids. Water is best, but if you can't stomach the Florida sulfur smell, opt for Sprite over Coke, as caffeine dehydrates.

  • Carry a handheld fan. I've seen them for as little as $1, and some even have mister features. You can get larger mister fans--fans attached to spray bottles--but they make pocket-sized versions as well.

  • Finally, be sure to partake of some indoor, air conditioned attractions.

Be safe and enjoy the summer!

1 comment:

  1. You can never learn too much about the places you will be visiting! Read as much as you can about where you will be going. Learn the history and culture behind what you will be seeing. This will make your trip much more meaningful.
