Thursday, June 10, 2010

Friday Photo

Today, is my youngest daughter's 4th birthday! We actually celebrated last weekend with a Disney Fairies party. I have a tendency to, well, um...overdo theming at kids parties. I've been known to do CandyLand (featuring a chocolate "swamp" and a game-board cake), Neverland (with all the kids in costume--Peter Pan, Tink, Lost Boys, name it), and even a Mad Hatter Tea Party (we played crochet, although not with flamingos and hedgehogs). This year, my only thematic splurge--besides the cake that I copied from the one I saw at Publix--was a large paper tree that I constructed in our's the Pixie Hollow tree, of course! Here's a pic:

And here's one of my little fairies. That's Presley, the birthday girl, dressed as Tink, of course. Reagan is being Vidia, the fast-flying fairy. And little Elphie is simply enduring the few minutes that she was dresssed in this Build-A-Bear fairy costume.

1 comment:

  1. too cute! my daughter used to dress our puppy in her highschool musical build a bear jacket! he looked like a little letterman!
