Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday's Tip

Just about everyone knows that when you visit WDW, you need to wear comfortable shoes. But not everyone can agree on the perfect style. Our family are strict athletic shoe people--at least at the theme parks. But I know families who swear by Crocs, especially for their little ones. I've even known folks who wear flip flops to the parks (I admit that I don't quite get this one, but maybe that's just me). Today's tip isn't really about the shoes you wear; it's about what to do if the shoes you wear fail you: pack some moleskin.


Haven't heard of it? Moleskin is a sort of adhesive bandage (kinda like a thick cloth bandaid) that can be used as both blister prevention and blister coverage (preventing further pain). My husband found it to be invaluable for distance running, but it's equally effective for blisters from too much walking in uncomfortable shoes.

Sure, the smart plan is to break in your shoes before your trip, being certain they will provide the most pleasant walking experience for you. But if that just doesn't happen, it's a good idea to have some Moleskin on hand...just in case.

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