Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thursday's Tip

Do you remember back in the 80s and early 90s (before everyone on the planet had cell phones) when you would see families using walky-talky devices at Disney World to keep up with each other? Sure, we did it. And it was a pretty good idea that worked *most* of the time. With the introduction of cell phones, walky-talkies have become a bit...well...obsolete. But here's the thing I realized on our most recent trip to WDW: the cell phone is NOT fail-proof. Sometimes the noise levels in the Parks can prevent you from hearing your phone. And service could be spotty in places. Oh, and here's another big one: the phones only actually work if both parties have theirs turned ON. (Found this out the hard way when my dear husband turned his off to save his battery.) All that to say--yes, there is a tip coming!--that this tried and true tip will still help you reunite with your family in a pinch: Choose a designated location in each Park as your "meet-back-here-if-we-get-separated" spot.

Of course, the chances of you needing it are really slim. You're probably not going to get separated. And you probably will be able to hear your cell phone. And you probably would find each other quickly even if you don't. Still, if you've spent a good 15-20 minutes trying to find your crew, at that point wouldn't it just be easier to hike back to the Partners Statue...or Club Cool...or the Great Movie Ride (just some suggestions), rather than spending the next hour continuing the search? Trust me, having a backup plan is always a good idea (says the woman who spent 15 minutes canvasing Tomorrowland).

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