Monday, October 11, 2010

American Idol Experience Gets a Lighter Schedule

Could it be that the mega-hit's popularity is finally waning? Or perhaps it's just the drop off in fall crowds that has necessitated a change. Either way, the American Idol Experience at Disney's Hollywood Studios is dropping a couple of shows from their daily schedule. Instead of the previous hourly shows that ran from noon until the 7 p.m. finale, the new schedule has shows at noon, 1:00, 2:00, 4:30, 5:30, and the finale at 6:30.

When we were there in early September, they clearly were having some difficulty getting people to audition. While it was mildly tempting to me (I mean, I do have a degree in vocal performance), I just couldn't stand the thought of using up what could be valuable touring time with my family. My cousin (then a college student, but now a professional actor) auditioned a couple of years ago and made it to the finale show. He was recognized all day and greeted by "fans"--pretty fun!

The show we saw on this last trip was proof that they're having some trouble finding "talent." After hearing the first two vocalists, we were a bit afraid that we'd have to vote for the "lesser of two evils," if you know what I mean. Fortunately, the third contestant was a soulful singer with skills, so we had a winner! We enjoyed sitting on the second row and getting on the big screen, but my youngest daughter took advantage of the cool theatre with cushioned seats and took a little nap. (How one can nap with all the noise and lighting changes is beyond me, but she did!) She made it onto the big screen too. :-)

I'm sure AIE will eventually go the way of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire--Play It! and other TV tie-ins, but for now, it's still a really fun show that gives guests the opportunity to fulfill their pop star fantasies. Hope it's still there in a few years when this one is old enough:

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