Sunday, May 30, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Releases Tuesday

After a quick thumb-through of the sale ads in today's paper, the cheapest price I've found for the Alice in Wonderland Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack is $26.99 at both Target and Best Buy (although it appears that Best Buy has its own exclusive edition and free trading cards, if that appeals to you). With the $10 off coupon that I told you about here, that makes it just $16.99.

Did anyone find it cheaper?

UPDATE: Upon closer examination of the Best Buy ad, it looks like you'll get an additional $5 off if you show up at the midnight release party. And the first 50 customers get a free poster too. Not gonna happen for me. My sleep is worth more than $5. I'm cheap, but not that cheap!

1 comment:

  1. I saw Alice at Walmart yesterday (June 2) for $16.98. I double checked to make sure it was the combo pack because I wanted to get this for my oldest son for Christmas. I hadn't printed my coupon yet because of the $26.99 price. But I am planning on going back Friday and getting it.
