Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday's Tip

I am generally someone who believes you can't possibly start planning for a Walt Disney vacation too early. In fact, I typically have a resort reservation by around six months before an upcoming trip. That said, a lot can change in those six months--including the release of new discounts. My tip for this Thursday: plan ahead, but keep be willing to change your plans.

For example, if you have the flexibility, it might be worth adjusting a reservation a few days one way or the other to qualify for a discount that wasn't yet released when you booked. Or you might learn that your favorite attraction will undergo refurbishment during your scheduled trip--and changing your dates by a week may exponentially increase the enjoyment of your vacation. I have been known to call the Disney reservation line as many as four separate times to change dates or resort for one stay. Chances are, you'll get a different Cast Member each time, so you don't have to worry that they are getting tired of hearing from you! And isn't it worth a few minutes of your time if it saves you cash or hassle?

That reminds me...I need to make a call about a reservation. I'll let you know how it all works out for me.

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