Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Going Offline for a Few Days

OK, if I had it all together, you wouldn't be reading this post. I would have taken a few hours out of my day (yea, I have a few "extra" hours!) to write and schedule posts for the week. But, alas, I SO don't have it together.

Nonetheless, tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary. We're dropping the kiddos off at the grandparents' house and taking a brief trip. Obviously, I don't want to be blogging on my anniversary, so there won't be any posts for the next few days. I hope you'll stick with me and come back on Monday. I promise I'll plan better next time. :-)

PS--We actually considered taking a kid-free trip to WDW for our anniversary, but we knew we'd have to suffer the wrath of our two daughters if we did that. But one of these days...


  1. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your time off!

  2. Happy anniversary! We share an anniversary only we are going on 11 years. Just found your site via Can't wait to look it over some more.
