Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday's Tip

I've probably made mention of today's tip in other posts, but I think it deserves its own Thursday's Tip: Save space by procuring (hopefully free) sample sizes of just about everything to take on your Walt Disney World vacation. Sure, most of us take sample sizes of our shampoo, conditioner, etc., but what about the less common things? For example, we rarely do laundry on our Disney trips (although I know some families who almost always do). However, on occasion, we have a little wardrobe mishap that requires our attention. Having a sample size of detergent comes in handy! Likewise, we don't typically experience issues with bugs while at WDW, but I keep a few individually-packaged Cutter wipes in our luggage, just in case.

I get a ton of sample sizes by signing up for free offers. Sometimes I even get them free with coupons. (Many coupons restrict the size of the item you're purchasing, but sometimes you get lucky and there are no restrictions--this almost always make the sample size of the item free.) And, of course, there are those that come from your dentist, stylist, or even a cosmetics counter. What are some of the sample items I take on vacation? Here are a few:

  • OTC medications

  • wipes of all varieties (baby, shout, insect repellent, name it)

  • shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, toothpaste, and other hygiene products

  • cereal (we eat in our resort room each morning, so those little boxes of cereal are convenient)

  • detergent and fabric softener

  • cosmetics (I especially love when I get moisturizer samples--hate taking those big bottles)

  • garbage bags (seriously, are those hotel room trash cans ever big enough?)

  • antibacterial hand gel

  • sunscreen

What are your favorite "free sample" finds?

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