Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday's Tip

I have a confession to make: Though I am constantly seeking and trying new experiences in and around Walt Disney World, I have never taken my two princess-loving daughters to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Have you seen what they charge for the whole enchilada of a makeover? My frugal nature just won't allow it. On top of that, I actually really don't like the way the hairstyles look--particularly the uber-tight-on-top-of-the-head buns with tiny plastic tiaras attached to them. Every little girl that emerges looks basically the same--so where's the fun in that? (But mostly, it's the money thing.)

So, here's my Thursday's Tip: do your own Disney Princess makeover for a fraction of the cost. First, the costumes. When purchased at the right time (usually after Halloween, but sometimes earlier in the year if they're clearing out old costumes to make way for new designs), I have bought Disney Princess costumes from the Disney Store for around $20--sometimes even less! (And, let's be clear--these are WAY nicer than the licensed versions you find at other stores.) For makeup, you can find all manner of sparkly stuff in the cosmetics aisle of Target or Wal-Mart. They make glitter lotion, glitter eye shadow, glitter hairspray, and even a fine glitter that you can shake on almost anything. (Trust me, that stuff sticks wherever it lands!)

As for the hairstyle, this is where you can get creative. And you can tailor it to whichever princess your child is portraying. But if you want to stick with simplicity, try a ballet bun. Simply put the hair in a ponytail (high, but not ON TOP of the head), wrap it around itself (you can add a small hairpiece from your local beauty supply if your child's hair isn't quite thick enough), and secure with pins. As a ballet mom, let me offer the secret weapon from my arsenal: an old lady hair net (the thin kind your grandma probably wore home from the beauty shop). I put the net around the wrapped hair before pinning, and it keeps all those little wispy parts tucked in neatly.

With costume and all, you've probably spend less than $30 to complete the that to around $150 at BBB. With the extra $120, you can book a character meal! (OK, maybe not the whole family at Cinderella's Royal Table, but it's a good start!)

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