Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday's Tip

As much as I try to pause during this time of year and contemplate the true meaning and reality of Christmas--that God Himself came to Earth as an infant, to grow and mature just like we do, in order to face a cruel death on the Cross...all of this for the purpose of making us holy and acceptable to God, worthy to be called His children--I still get caught up in the commercialism. I still get trapped into the lie that I need to buy this or that for this person or that person...the lie that somehow I will have committed the unpardonable sin if my child doesn't get the specific color or some luxury electronics item that she wants.

So, please indulge me if this Thursday's Tip waxes a bit poetic: Stop. Stop the madness and commercialism. Stop for just a moment this Christmas season to celebrate, to be thankful, to remember what's important. For some, this will take the form of buying a few less gifts and instead sharing a few more laughs and hugs. For others, it may mean turning down a few invitations--because sometimes invitations feel like obligations. Or for you, it may just mean being more thoughtful about each celebration...remembering why we do all this.

I'm a Disney fan. There aren't many things I enjoy more than spending time at Walt Disney World with my family. And our holiday will be filled with its share of "Disney Magic" as we enjoy our Disney-themed tree ornaments, bake cookies with our Disney cookie-cutters, and our children open several Disney-related gifts. But I don't worship at the Church of Disney, and Mickey Mouse isn't my savior. There is only One person who has that distinction: Jesus Christ. I pray that all my readers experience the joy and meaning that comes from knowing Him this Christmas!

How many kings, stepped down from their thrones?

How many lords have abandoned their homes?

How many greats have become the least for me?

How many Gods have poured out their hearts

To romance a world that has torn all apart?

How many fathers gave up their sons for me?

Only One did that for me.

("How Many Kings" by Downhere)


  1. Thanks for this post, Valerie. I especially like that you added that you "don’t worship at the Church of Disney, and Mickey Mouse isn’t [your] savior." It is so easy to get caught up in the Disney Magic. During our last trip in May, I got upset because things weren't going 100% the way I'd planned, and my husband stopped me in my tracks, made me sit down, and said, "Mandy, we don't worship at the altar of Walt Disney." He forced me to calm down, see that I was at a wonderful place with my beautiful family, and be thankful for the blessing of being able to vacation with a healthy, happy crew. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Thank you for this tip. It needs to be said a lot more often.
    Merry Christmas
