I'm sure I'll have much to say about this trip in future posts, but my initial takeaway (other than the sheer fun we had) is that this was a learning experience for me. My first trip since I started Affording the Mouse, this vacation afforded lots of opportunities to test some of the advice I've been dishing out. We did a few things for the first time ever...and we tried to do a few things that we weren't able to (darn rain!).
Because of the rainy weather (yes, it rained every day we were there) and our last-minute schedule changes (beyond my control), I wasn't able to take my favorite orderly, well-planned approach. But in many ways, this was a great opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone and see WDW through the eyes of those who prefer a less-regimented approach to touring. And I definitely have some great rainy weather tips now!
That's about it for now...still have dozens of emails to return and mounds of laundry to fold. I'll leave you with this photo of my girls:
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